Social care alignment with health care

There is a growing realization that the health and social care sectors need to work together to address the most challenging issues facing individuals, providers, payers, and communities.

While many organizations say they understand the social sector, HSG’s team has actual experience in the sector and has helped create meaningful partnerships that have led to measurable improvement in outcomes. HSG is especially well placed to help social care providers get into contract with health plans and providers so that they can build on their mission as well as provide meaningful value to their healthcare partners.

HSG helps its social care client speak “health care purchaser” as well as helps plans and providers speak “CBO.”


  • Training opportunities for social care providers to understand the health care ecosystem

  • Identification of potential opportunities

  • Value proposition development & pitch

  • Implementation support to ensure success & growth


In response to requests from multiple social care organizations, HSG literally wrote the book on how these organizations can effectively contract with healthcare providers and insurers to further their important missions.

Far too often, social care agencies struggle to connect with healthcare stakeholders. A key reason is they don’t speak the same language.

HSG serves as the bridge between these two key sectors and helps unlock the full potential of innovative social care when it comes to lowering healthcare costs and improving outcomes.


Get in touch

Learn more about how HSG can help your team succeed with social care alignment with health care.